Press Release: the World Emissions Clock: Fighting Climate Change with Data
The World Bank Group and World Data Lab (WDL) are pleased to announce the upcoming event, “The World Emissions Clock: Fighting climate change with d...
The World Bank Group and World Data Lab (WDL) are pleased to announce the upcoming event, “The World Emissions Clock: Fighting climate change with d...
Water Scarce Countries: Present and Future Water Scarce Countries: Present and Future According to our Water Scarcity Clock, water scarcity affects ov...
10 Most Important Water Scarcity Facts 10 Most Important Water Scarcity Facts 1. In 2019, water scarcity currently affects 2.3 billion people. This i...
Nepal: Rocky road to success Nepal: Rocky road to success “It is the grass cutter who opened my eyes. I realized, It does not worth living without d...
Colombia: On the fast track to eradicate poverty Colombia: On the fast track to eradicate poverty “What matters in life is not what happens to y...
A broader view of poverty in South America A broader view of poverty in South America $1.90 per day in 2011 PPP is the International Poverty Line. It...